Some of our email templates are long and detailed. Some are short and sweet. They all are designed with a particular goal and voice (niche) in mind. They pack a punch because they have a delightful nature to them, designed to connect with your leads, prospects, and clients through casual conversation and personal stories and recommendations.
The copy/paste functionality of the templates offers versatility. They can be combined to send to clients traveling in a shorter window of time. Or the longer ones can be segmented into smaller versions with call-to-actions to watch for follow-up emails.
Beyond the personalization, you can, of course, add to the emails – even if these only gave you a head start, it’s better than a blinking cursor on a blank screen, and we believe overall you’ll be delighted with the content and depth of the emails.
Below you’ll find a few sample emails from various sequences.
Because of the digital nature of the email templates, it would be complicated to share a full email before purchase, We understand you may be curious about the style and structure of the templates, so we’ve included a few samples below.

Here’s a look at our Stroller letter, one of the Bonus emails of WDW Client Care Made Simple.

The next section of the email template includes the four recommendations we have for bringing/renting strollers and Quick Tips for using strollers in the parks.
The email is over 800 words and is designed to position you as an expert on strollers for the parks along with encouraging your client to rent a stroller through you (your agency) or purchase a stroller using an affiliate link you provide.

What topics are covered?
We have a variety of email sequences. All of our email templates are specifically written to meet your lead or client exactly where they are in the sales funnel.
- Attraction
- Relationship (nurturing)
- Call Quote Book (Coming in 2024)
- Client Care
- Loyalty (post travel referral and rebooking)

They are also either designed to work with a specific destination or for a particular customer niche. A few of the niches we cover are:
- Theme Parks: Walt Disney World, Disneyland, Universal Orlando
- Cruises: Disney Cruise, Royal Caribbean, Norwegian, MSC, AmaWaterways, Viking, and more
- All Inclusive resorts and destinations
- International travel and destinations
- Various client voices: Honeymooner, Empty Nester, Family with teens, Family with young children
How are the emails delivered? And are they updated?
After your purchase, you immediately receive a link to a PDF file. Inside the file are links to LIVE Google docs. If a major change happens within the year after publication we are committed to updating the docs and notifying you via our Facebook User Community group and email.
You can download the templates into your own files or copy/paste them into your CRM or email automation system.
More FAQs
Please email with your specific questions. You can also join our master email list and receive additional content and notifications about upcoming products.